Mission Statement
The Warriors of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 document their rich legacy from the first days of April 1968 as HML-167 aboard Marble Mountain Air Facility, Republic of Vietnam to the present. Marines and former Marines from every era who served in HML-167 or HMLA-167 are encouraged to participate, strengthening the connection between past and present.
Once A Warrior, Always A Warrior.
Welcome Statement: HML167 – HMLA167 Legacy
Welcome to 167 – in all her incarnations. We have a wonderful opportunity to take 167 from her birth in the fire of a combat zone to her continued growth in the crucible of combat today. With all the periods of peace and war in between, 167 fulfills her destiny honorably. After all, we are the ultimate warrior knights riding to war with honor and modern technology as our steeds, lances, swords and armor. Read complete statement…
In the fire of combat during the Vietnam War, Marine Light Helicopter Squadron (HML) 167 was forged aboard Marble Mountain in 1968. In the ensuing decades, both in training here at home and in far flung places around the globe, the “Warriors” of what is now Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) 167 have been the epitome of aerial prowess and courage under fire. This website, dedicated to the fallen who gave their lives while serving in our squadron, documents their proud legacy. Once A Warrior, Always A Warrior.
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